
The Difference Ch13

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Chapter 13

Nightmare Moon turned around to see Traipse standing there with a look of anger on his face, “Well, well, it’s been a long time hasn’t it, Colonel… tell me, how many years since the fall of the Crystal Empire? Twenty years, right?”
Traipse shook his head, “Try Thirty.”
Nightmare Moon smiled, “Wow, thirty years, and you’ve seem to age well. May I ask your secret?”
“Hatred… my hatred to you, your sister, your kingdom, and Commander Mist. You took everything from me, my loyalty to my king, my home and everything I was raised to know and understand about this world. Its because of that hatred I’ve stayed away from Equestria and never wanted to return here.”

              Nightmare Moon used her magic to pull a spear from a dead soldier nearby, “So you’re here for revenge then, right? If it is your wish then I'll gladly fight you.”
Traipse smiled and nodded his head, “It’s true that I despise you and that the very sight of your corpse would make me smile… but despite my hatred I’ve only got one thing to say.”
“Really? And what would that be?”
Traipse replied without an expression on his face, “I forgive you… you may have erased my life, as I knew it… but if it wasn’t for that, I never would have joined The Cutters, I never would have fallen in love. I'm still grateful that this life I had wasn’t as big a waste as it would have been if you didn’t get involved and remove King Sombra from this world.”

              Nightmare Moon could only reply, “So… are you going to fight me? or are you just here to make peace?”
Traipse braced himself as he spoke, “No… I'm here to kill you… I forgave Princess Luna… but Nightmare Moon and I still have a score to settle, you will realize that we Cutters share feelings. And Scy wants to see you dead… so let’s settle this, here and now.”
Traipse charged towards Nightmare Moon, as he did, Nightmare Moon used her magic to toss the spear towards him. Traipse jumped back and dodged the spear allowing it to stick into the ground in front of him, then he quickly picked up the spear, and threw it back, as he continued charging at her. Nightmare Moon used her magic to stop the spear just an inch from hitting her face. then she turned the spear around and threw it again. Rather than continuing this game of catch Traipse ducked down and caught the spear before it flew completely over his head then he turned it around and swung at Nightmare Moon as he approached her.

              Expecting an attack, Nightmare Moon turned into her mist and phased through the spear blade then she jumped forward kicking Traipse in the back of his head as she turned around. Traipse hit the ground but quickly turned around and lunged the spear forward. Nightmare Moon wasn’t expecting a counter attack but like before she managed to phase through the blade and get out of the way before it could seriously hurt her. When she turned back into her normal appearance, she felt her neck where she could feel a cut that the spear had made before she could dodge it. when she looked at her own blood on her hoof, her eyes quickly filled with rage, “YOU… YOU FOOL!!! You dare to harm me? I don’t think you know who you’re dealing with… I'm no longer the frail merciful mare you knew long ago… I'M NIGHTMARE MOON!!! THE KEEPER OF THE NIGHT, AND SOON TO BE THE RULER OF EQUESTRIA!!!”

              While Nightmare Moon yelled in a fit of rage, Traipse didn’t waste any time, he lunged forward again but this time Nightmare Moon used her magic to grab the spear while it was still in his hooves, stopping him in his tracks. Then she picked up both Traipse and the spear and held them over her head in the air. While he was above her Traipse tried to get free of her magic… but for an earth pony it was impossible. Nightmare Moon sneered at the helpless pony as she pulled the spear from his hooves and spoke, “You should have stayed out of this war, now you will die.”
Nightmare Moon sent the spear flying towards him but it all of a sudden stopped when a needle came out of nowhere and stuck into her wing.

              Nightmare Moon screamed in pain as her magic stopped dropping both Traipse and the spear. When Traipse fell The Reaper flew down from above and caught him, then she flew back towards the Canterlot. Traipse looked at The Reaper and spoke, “Put me down! I have to Finish her!...”
Scy looked at him as she continued carrying him, “If you want to die then do it some other time! Orders from the commander! we are needed back in the city!”
“What about Star Bolt! Are you going to let his murderer get away with it?”
Scy replied without any expression, “I honor him by obeying his widow’s orders… I want to see Nightmare Moon suffer too… but I owe it to him to keep his widow and foals alive.”
Traipse sighed as he replied, “I… guess you’re right let’s get back then…”

              Back in Canterlot, Commander Mist was using his spear as a walking stick while he tries to make his way back to the castle to see Pearl about his wound. With each passing step his speed got slower and slower as he lost more and more blood. finally he stopped just a few blocks from, the gate and leaned against a wall to catch his breath, “I… I'm getting… way too old for this sh…”
“Well, well, well. you’re Commander Mist right?”
Commander Mist turned around as a number of Nightmare soldiers quickly surrounded him, “… Maybe I am, I’d ask who you are… but I don’t care.”

              The Nightmare Officer smiled as he replied, “You don’t look so well commander. unfortunately for you, we were given orders to take no prisoners.”
Commander Mist stayed leaning against the wall as he used his magic to held his spear at the ready, “If you think you have a chance to do so... then be my guest and try.”
The officer smiled as he called out, “Soldiers! KILL HIM! KILL COMMANDER MIST!!!”
When the first soldier charged at him, Commander Mist blocked the soldier’s sword with ease. Before the soldier could try to counterattack, Commander Mist used his spear to knock the soldier’s hooves out from under him, then he used his magic to take the soldiers, sword from him. Using both the spear and sword in conjunction with his magic, Commander Mist stabbed the enemy soldier before he could get up off the ground… all while he leaned against the wall resting, and without moving a single hoof.

              The next two soldiers charged forward only to meet their ends in the same manner, however the constant use of rather complex magic caused Commander Mist to bleed faster, so it wasn’t long before his spell lost its power and his spear along fell to the ground along with the three weapons taken from the fallen enemy soldiers. The Nightmare officer smiled as he trotted past the fallen weapons and approached Commander Mist, “It looks like you can’t hold your own anymore commander… though I'm surprised you lasted this long.”
In a final act of desperation, Commander Mist used his magic to pick up his spear and attack the officer from behind, but the officer was expecting it. He quickly turned around and deflected the spear with his sword sending it into the air, and causing it to stick into the roof of the building behind them.

              The Nightmare Officer looked back at Commander Mist, smiled, and held his sword out so that the point of the blade was against Commander Mist’s throat, “Looks like you’re out of options Commander… any last words before we discharge you permanently.”
As Commander Mist sneered at the cocky soldier, a scream echoed through the street. All the ponies in the area looked at the soldier in the very back of the group who had Commander Mist’s Spear stuck through his back. As the soldier fell to the ground, the Officer spoke, “What! Who did…”
all of a sudden, a small splatter of blood hit his face. the soldiers around him took a few steps back in shock and fear, as the sound of a sword hitting the cobble stone ground below them echoed through the streets.

              The Nightmare Officer slowly turned back to Commander Mist only to find that the blood splatter on his face was his own. Standing in front of him, right between him and Commander Mist was Blade, but she was the only thing between them now. His hoof and sword were lying on the ground below her, as a puddle of blood began to form. Finally catching sense of what just happened, the officer grabbed his armless shoulder and fell to the ground screaming in agonizing pain. The rest of the nightmare soldiers were terrified as Blade flung the blood off the blades on her wings and spoke with an expression of pure anger, “The next pony to come any closer will lose more than just one appendage… but I guarantee… you will all die now!”

              Most of the soldiers were frozen in fear, partly because their leader was still on the ground gasping and moaning in continuous pain. However, that didn’t stop a few soldiers from charging her. The first three soldiers tried to strike her with their sword. By dodging the first soldier’s sword, she brought the blades on her wings up and into the soldier’s throat, killing him on contact. The next one tried to swing vertically but she dodged it, then out of desperate fear, he swung the sword horizontally in the direction she dodged but as she dodged it a second time, he accidentally dug his sword into the third soldier who was charging on his right. Shortly after the third solder fell dead, and before the second regained his senses, Blade grabbed his hoof, and pulled him into the blades on her left wing, stabbing and killing him.

              Most of the rest of the soldiers ran in fear, but as for the soldiers who were too afraid to run… Blade charged them and killed each one without mercy. When it was all over, Blade looked around and saw that apart from Commander Mist, her, and the Nightmare Officer, they were all alone. In the distance there were still sounds of battle taking place but here, the only sound was the whimpers, and cries of the three legged pony who was desperately trying to get away by dragging himself with his one and only front hoof. As he continued to do so, Blade with no expression of concern or regret for the lives she had so mercilessly taken, trotted over the pony who had Commander Mist’s spear still stuck in him. Then she pulled the spear from the corpse, and trotted over to the unfortunate stallion and stood in is path as he continued to crawl away in terror.

              When the soldier put his hoof out to grip the ground and crawl further, Blade dropped the spear on his hoof, nailing him to the ground below. The soldier’s whimpers went back to utter screams of pain and misery as Blade grabbed him by his throat and held him up at eye level, “When you get to the next world, you better haunt your solders who survive this war and give them a message… Nopony Harms Chrome Mist without dealing with me first!”
Moving too quickly for the soldier to answer, Blade threw him back against the ground, pulled the spear from his hoof and stabbed him through his head while he was down.

              Leaving the spear in the officer’s head, Blade trotted over to mist as fast as she could. Using the only strength he had left, Commander Mist smiled and spoke, “You're late… but I'll forgive you since you showed me why I should never tick you off. Thanks for your help Seren…”
Then Commander Mist lost consciousness, due to his continued blood loss. Blade quickly unlatched the strap holding her wing blades on and dropped them on the ground so she wouldn’t hurt him by accident, then she scooped Commander Mist up on her back and struggled to carry him back to the castle, “You’re not going to die yet. You still owe me an explanation for you question yesterday.”

              Further in the city on Mane Street, a group of Nightmare soldiers traveled cautiously through the quiet streets. As soon as the group passed one of the houses, Gem peaked out the second floor window and nodded to the ponies hiding in the house across the street. When the ponies nodded back, Gem slowly opened the window and drew her bow aiming at the pony leading the group of nightmare troops. After releasing her arrow and hitting the lead pony, arrows flew out of every window on the street at the enemy formation in the streets. Reacting out of desperate fear, most of the nightmare soldiers tried to run into the buildings for cover, only to meet their doom to the Equestrian militia who were patiently waiting for them. The small number of soldiers who saw the traps waiting for them in the safety of the surrounding buildings turned around and began a full retreat.

               Back at the Canterlot castle Pearl was directing her medics in the main hall as Sable and a large number of his soldiers arrived, “Sis! We need your medics, four of my soldiers are in critical condition!”
Pearl directed the medics to the wounded soldiers then asked Sable, “Any news from the front?”
Sable replied, “The pegasi, outside the city have fallen… I don’t know where Colonel Drib is, Colonel Silas is also unaccounted for… I fear the worst… but on a lighter side. I heard that the Cutters have taken care of all the enemy catapults, and trebuchets. I also hear that mom and the militia have taken their positions in the city so the Nightmare Legion will be in for a rude welcome”

Cynthia came running up to Sable and spoke, “Y-your face! Are you hurt?”
Sable smiled, “It’s just a scratch, I'll be fine…”
“Let me stitch it for you… I am a licensed nurse after al…”
“De-Lis!!! Go see to the wounded over in the western wing!”
Cynthia replied to Pearls order, “But… I… Yes ma’am!”
Cynthia looked back at Sable and kissed him on the cheek, “This will have to do for now… be careful major!”

              As Cynthia ran to see to her duties, Sable could only watch as she trotted away, then Pearl spoke, “Well at least you found one of the better ponies in my hospital… but I think you need to focus on the battle… not the prize.”
Just then, Blade barged through the door with Commander Mist on her back, “LIEUTENANT!!! WE NEED HELP, QUICKLY!!!”
Pearl rushed to Commander Mist and looked at his wounds, as she did, Princess Celestia trotted up and asked, “How is he Lieutenant?”
Pearl sighed, “It doesn’t look good your majesty… he has lost a great deal of blood… a normal pony of his age would have died before getting here, but with is endurance I can’t say how he will be… we can patch his wounds… but for now that’s all we can do.”

              Princess Celestia shook her head, “Do what you can for him… I hope he will pull through. Major Bolt, can you please go see to the militia’s status?”
Sable Replied as he started galloping back into the city, “Yes your majesty.”
In the back allies of Canterlot, a small number of nightmare soldiers made their way through the narrow passage in hopes of bypassing the traps set by the militia. While they made their way, the ponies stopped when they saw a mare standing in the middle of the ally with a black cloak on. The leading officer called out to the mare, “Surrender now and you won’t be harmed.”
the mare smiled and put her hood down, Almost immediately the officer panicked, and turned around to run, “IT’S THE REAPER!!! EVERYPONY RETREAT!!! HU…”

              As the officer was running The Reaper sent three needles into his back, causing him to fall to the ground dead. Witnessing this, the rest of the soldiers tried to turn around to flea but they stopped when they saw Traipse behind them with their rear soldier pinned against the wall. Traipse gave them an expressionless look as he spoke, “…Run…”
Right after he said that he broke the pony’s neck and dropped his body to the ground. Half of the large formation broke windows and doors down to escape the alley with their lives but the ones who didn’t, attempted to fight back with absolutely no success… or survivors. Over the streets, Gem flew as she dropped arrows onto key targets, being the leaders of groups… however the one pony she was looking for was nowhere in sight. Finally, she saw Sable and landed next to him, “Sable is everything alright?”

              Sable replied, “The Princess wants an update on the front… Commander Mist is down. Blade is back at the castle with him but I don’t know where the Pegasi, or the other Cutters are?”
Gem nodded her head, “The Nightmare Legion seem to be on the run, so they are probably somewhere in the city. Sable nodded his head, “Alright then let’s finish chasing them out of the city, Princess Celestia has little troops left but we can still hold our own.”
Gem nodded, “You know who I want to find, so let’s go get him.”

               Outside the city on the now silent battlefield, Commander Snow was trotting through the spoils in search of survivors, until he saw a pony who was all too familiar. The pegasus held his spear at the ready but couldn’t keep his focus with the painful arrow stuck in his side. Commander Snow spoke, “Colonel Drib… I thought you would be dead. But I have to be honest. I’ve never been both relieved and annoyed to see an old friend alive before… it’s a little troubling if you ask me.”
Drib replied, “Well after what you did to General Roza I'm a l…”
“Please… don’t talk about that… she did fall to my army… but she was killed by a Trebuchet impact… I didn’t mean for her to get hurt… but as a soldier… she knew what she was getting into when she held her sword to me.”

              Drib dropped to a knee replied, “It doesn’t matter… not anymore… if you’re going to kill me then do it… if you don’t then I'll kill you.”
Commander Snow Drew his sword, “Be my guest…”
Colonel Drib lunged his pike forward, but Commander Snow blocked it with his sword and bashed his shield against Colonel Drib’s face knocking him to the ground. Snow shook his head, “Oh Drib… you always pushed yourself despite your wounds and blood loss, but it looks like this is too far. I'll wish you a fond farewell. May you meet with Mr. Bolt in the afterli…”
Before Commander Snow could finish his sentence, Colonel Silas dove in from the sky trying to strike him down, but Commander Snow spotted him too soon. Using his shield to block the sword, Commander Snow swung and clipped his wing.

              The Blade didn’t dig deep enough to cause serious injury, but it was enough to cause him to lose his balance, and send him crashing into the ground behind Commander Snow. Snow turned around and spoke, “You… I don’t recognize, so it won’t be hard to kill you.”
Without saying anything, Colonel Silas shuffled to his hooves and charged with his sword ready. As Colonel Silas swung his sword, Commander Snow blocked it with his shield and attempted to counter. As Commander Snow swung his sword, Silas blocked it and tried to throw dust into his eyes with his wings. However, before he could flap his wing, Nightmare Moon grabbed it with her magic and began squeezing the wound on it.

              Colonel Silas tried to bear the pain as much as he could but it was no use, Nightmare Moon squeezed his wound tight enough that not only did it hurt… but also she even broke his wing under the intense pressure. Then Nightmare Moon tossed him aside like a rag doll. As soon as Silas hit the ground, a number of nightmare soldiers charged up and put him in chains so he couldn’t fight back. Then Nightmare Moon looked at Commander Snow and spoke, “Commander, if you’re done playing around then execute them and let’s continue into the city. I want this to end now.”

              Commander Snow nodded his head as he trotted up to Colonel Drib, “It looks li…”
Commander Snow and Nightmare Moon turned to the soldier who was galloping up to them. “Commander! The soldiers in the city are retreating!”
Nightmare Moon replied “What! Who gave that order!”
“N-nopony your majesty. They are pushing us back.”

              Commander Snow asked, “What?! But how?... We practically chased them into the city… how could they be pushing us back.”
“Sir… they set up ambushes in the streets. We can’t get close to the castle gates without their archers taking us down.”
Nightmare Moon spoke “Then use the alleys!”
The soldier looked at Nightmare Moon and replied, “We tried that your majesty… but… when we went to check on the ponies who tried to get through the alleys… we found a blood bath. All to include myself are terrified to use the alleys now. Some had their necks’ broken and their skulls caved in, some were decapitated, while others had needles and arrows sticking out their heads and necks.”

              Commander Snow thought to himself as he spoke, “The Cutters… it has them written all over it. And Mrs. Bolt is making an impact too.”    
Nightmare Moon looked at the large hoards of nightmare soldiers retreating from Canterlot then she spoke, “Give your orders commander… Tell them what they should do next!”
Commander Snow looked at Colonel Drib and Colonel Silas as they were restrained from moving, then he looked at the city before replying, “Fall the troops back and regroup outside the city… we will mark down their numbers then try to make our way back, before we continue.”
the soldier nodded his head, “Yes Sir! and… the prisoners?”

           Snow looked at the two chained up ponies that were beside him and spoke, “Leave them, they are both wounded and bleeding… this will be a test of their luck. Hopefully the crusaders will get to them before they die. Either way let’s make haste.”
As Nightmare Moon, Commander Snow and his soldiers turned to retreat, an arrow came out of the sky and hit Commander Snow on one of his hind hooves. Snow dropped to the ground and tried to hold in his screams of pain. When Nightmare Moon looked back at him, he spoke, “Your majesty… help me… I… I need…”

              Nightmare Moon looked back towards Canterlot to see Gem standing on the city wall with her bow still up. as she drew her second arrow, Nightmare Moon sighed, “It would seem that we were meant to fall today… pity… I expected better from you commander. ALL SOLDIERS RETREAT!!! FALL BACK TO THE CASTLE OF THE TWO SISTERS!!!”            
Commander Snow was shocked to hear her say that, “So… you’re just going to leave me?”
“Good bye commander, perhaps we will meet again someday.”
Then Nightmare Moon phased away into mist as Gems second arrow passed through her cloud and lodged itself in the ground behind her.

              As Nightmare Moon flew away in her cloud of mist, the soldier looked at Commander Snow and spoke, “I'm sorry sir!”
With that said the soldier followed Nightmare Moon in the retreat, Commander Snow didn’t give up though. He crawled as far as he could with an arrow stuck in his hoof, however it wasn’t long before his soldiers were completely passed him… and he was completely alone. As he reached forward to pull himself further, The Reaper landed in front of him and just gave him an expressionless stare. Commander Snow quickly reached for his sword but was stopped when Traipse grabbed his sword first, drew it, and tossed it away from him. Before Commander Snow new it, not only was he surrounded, but a path cleared in the crowd of Militia, allowing Gem to trot towards him with a look of complete pride on her face.

              Commander Snow rolled over and looked at Gem as he spoke, “Commander Bolt… on behalf of the Nightmare Legion… I admit defeat, and I accept my punishment for my crimes, against you… when you’re ready… you may execute me.”
Without an expression, She replied as she pulled an arrow from her quiver and drew her bow, “Very well commander… may you die without regret.”
Gem turned her head as another clearing in the soldiers appeared and Sable Galloped towards her, “Congratulations mom, The commander of the Nightmare Legion is now our prisoner, allow me to take him to Princess Celestia for his punishment.”

              Gem smiled, “Don’t worry son… I'm about to carry out his punishment now.”
“Mother please! You can’t kill this defeated pony. As a Major of the Celestia crusaders I can’t allow it.”
“You know what he did to us… you know what he took from us… I can’t allow him to live.”
“You can’t jus…”
“HE KILLED YOUR FATHER SABLE! HE TOOK MY HAPPINESS! HE BURNED DOWN OUR HOME! HE THREATENED YOURS AND YOUR SISTERS LIVES!!! ALL FOR WHAT!?! Because your father was blessed with a gift… because he was born the way he was… I… I CANT FORGIVE HIM!!!”

              As tears started to roll down Gem’s face Sable placed his hoof on the tip of the arrow and gently lowered her bow for her, “I know what he did to us… I know what he deserves, and if you want my honest opinion, he deserves a lot worse than to die like this… but since I became a soldier, I realized something. He gave away his happiness a long time ago. He left his home never to return. He turned his sword around and killed the ponies that he used to call friends. He ordered his soldiers to destroy the city that he grew up in. He punished himself all these years and the fact that he was only following orders was the only excuse he had to convince himself that he did good, when he knew well that he didn’t… but if we kill him now… like this… we are no better than him.”

              Gem dropped her bow and replied, “Then what should I do?”
Sable replied, “I don’t know about you, but I'm going back into Canterlot, grab Cynthia, drop this armor that is starting to chafe and is very uncomfortable by the way, and then I'm going home, I'm going back to Dragon Mountain. With Commander Snow captured, I see no point in staying here.”
Gem looked back at Commander Snow, sighed, then replied, “You remind me of your father more and more… fine… if this… creature values his existence then I'll let somepony else decides whether or not he lives… As for you… Commander if I see you again… then it will be the last time.”
Traipse nodded his head, “You will make one good soldier one day colt. Scy? Do you want to finish him?”
It was easy to see that The Reaper didn’t like Gems decision… but she was proud of her grandson’s compassion in this situation so she raised her scythe up and swung it taking off a portion of Commander Snow’s ear.

              Commander Snow grabbed his ear trying to stop the bleeding as Scy kneeled down and spoke, “Let that scar remind you… that you were one of very few to ever be spared by The Cutters.”
The Militia quickly rushed up, bound Commander Snow and took both Colonel Drib and Colonel Silas to see Pearl at the castle. As the soldiers marched through the city with Commander Snow in chains, all the soldiers started to cheer as they went by. When they arrived at the castle, Pearl took Drib and Silas into the infirmary, while Gem, Sable, and The Reaper brought Commander Snow to Princess Celestia.

              When Princess Celestia saw Commander Snow, she spoke, “I'm sorry we had to meet like this commander, I truly am… Commander Bolt I…”
“My name is Gem Bolt… I'm no longer a commander. I'll turn over command of the militia to you your majesty… as for me. I'm going home to Dragon Mountain.”
Princess Celestia was concerned, “Are you sure? There is plenty of room here in Canterlot. Plus we could use the assistance, Nightmare Moon is still in control of the moon, so this war isn’t over yet.”

              Sable stepped forward, “With all due respect your majesty, I think that mother and I have had enough of this war. I'm leaving too.”
Princess Celestia smiled and replied, “Well If it’s any consolation to you… I'm happy to have had your assistance.”
Gem and Sable went back to meet Pearl and Cynthia, when they did, Sable asked Pearl, “How are they?”
Pearl smiled, “They are fine. Commander Mist lost a lot of blood but he is going to pull through. Colonel Drib too, in fact Both Colonel Drib and Colonel Viscous are sitting together in the next room. They are waiting on a Priest to marry them as soon as possible. And as for Colonel Silas… his wing is broken but he can still fight as long as he doesn’t try to fly.”

              Cynthia threw here hooves around Sable as she spoke, “It’s all over Major, we can stop fighting now. Isn’t that great.”    
Sable smiled, “Do you want to come with us? We are on our way back to Dragon Mountain…”
Cynthia smiled and replied, “Dragon Mountain?... um… well… yes… I would love to go with you. the war destroyed my home… so I have no reason to stay. I'll go with you… but you better give me that date.”
“Of course I will, I'm a stallion of my word just like my father.”
Gem smiled and spoke to Pearl, “Will you come back home with us? If you want you can stay here.”
Pearl shook her head, “Of course I will! It may be an old memory… but Dragon Mountain is still home.”
Gem smiled as she replied, “Then get ready, we will be leaving in the morning.”

              The rest of the day was spent, repairing the city wall and gathering the wounded and the dead. By the next morning Pearl, Cynthia, Sable and Gem met Princess Celestia, Mr. and Mrs. Drib, the Cutters Chrome and Silas at the front of the city gate. Sable looked at the Commanders insignia on Silas and spoke, “Well congratulations commander… it looks like you will be leading the final attack on the castle of the alicorn sisters right?”
Commander Silas nodded his head, “Well with Mist retired… again… I decided to take command for the final assault. I’d hate to say it… but we couldn’t have ended this war without you and your family… thanks, for everything.”

              Gem smiled, “You take care of yourself commander… oh and your soldiers.”
Princess Celestia continued, “Don’t worry; I'm taking the elements with me. I'm going to try to bring my real sister back. I pray everything goes well.”
Pearl smiled, “As long as you see the good in the bad, then everything will be alright
. Daddy told me this many years ago… and I stood by those words and overcame all my fears. I'm certain everything will be fine, your majesty.”
Princess Celestia nodded her head, “Thank you Lieu… I mean Pearl, I wish you a safe journey home.”

              After Princess Celestia was finished speaking, then The Reaper spoke, “Well I think it’s about time we left. I heard that some conflicts are breaking out between the Xian Empire and the Western Tribes of Zebrica, so we are going to offer our services.”    
Gem replied, “So you’re back with The Cutters?”
Scy nodded her head; well with Star gone… there is no reason for me to avoid them now. Besides, War just seems to run in our family, I guess that’s all I'll ever know.”
Traipse nodded his head, “Well I'll see you later Gem… and Colt?”
Sable replied, “Yes sir?”
“You take care of that mare of yours!”
Sable smiled and put his arm around Cynthia as he replied, “I plan to, thank you sir.”

              Blade smiled as she put her hooves around Chrome Mist, “I hope you three won’t forget us… it was fun while it lasted.”
Chrome sighed, “Yea if you count out all the life threatening parts, and wounds. I guess it was. But seriously, you take care of yourself Mrs. Bolt. If you need any help then feel free to Contact Princess Celestia.”
Sable continued, “What about you? don’t tell me that the great Commander Mist is finally putting away his spear.”
Chrome shook his head, “I told you before, Soldiers never retire, we just sheathe our sword until the next battle. I'm going with the Cutters. I suppose somepony has to keep Blade in check.”
Blade smiled, “If you can handle me Mist then be my guest.”

              Ardent spoke to Celestia, “Your majesty? What is Commander Snow’s punishment?”    
Princess Celestia replied, “He will be imprisoned until the war ends then he will be stripped of his nobility and banished from Equestria.”
Gem spoke next, “I can’t believe you’re going easy on him.”
Mr. Drib Replied, “Don’t take it so seriously Mrs. Bolt. He may have done many terrible things. Nevertheless, he spared Ardent’s life, and tried to save General Roza… in all he isn’t the stallion you know and hate. He was our friend at one time. and I think that with a little time he can be back to his old self.”
Ardent nodded her head, “If it makes you feel any better, he won’t be bothering anypony for a long time. and maybe he will find a better life when he leaves Equestria.”

              Gem smiled as she turned to leave Canterlot, “I Guess you’re right… well I guess this is goodbye, then… Thanks for everything.”
Gem, Sable, Cynthia, and Pearl turned and left Canterlot, they travelled throughout the day and most of the night but by the time, they arrived at Dragon Mountain as the twilight started bringing forth the dawn. As they trotted Sable was talking, “Well this place has grown a little. It looks like most of the trees that were destroyed during the battle are all back. You can see the scaring on them though.”
Pearl replied, “Yep but it will feel strange going over the next hill and not seeing the old cabin.”

               As they continued talking, Gem looked at the mountain and stopped as the rest of the group continued down the path. She could remember standing on that exact spot as she watched Nightmare Moon stab Star Bolt on the day he died. As she looked, she mumbled to herself, “It… just doesn’t feel like home without you… Star.”    
When Gem looked back at the group, they were all standing at the top of the hill looking into the clearing where their home used to sit before it burned down. Gem rushed up as fast as she could but when she made it to the top, she couldn’t believe her eyes. The field where their home used to sit was a vast field of rose bushes, so many in fact, that it seemed to stretch into the forest on the edges.

              A tear rolled down Pearls face as she spoke, “It… it’s as if daddy kept them safe for all these years.”
Cynthia smiled, “This has to be one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.”
Then without warning a bright light came from the horizon, Pearl, Sable, and Cynthia looked at the light in awe as Sable spoke, “What… what is that?”
Gem Smiled peacefully as she replied, “The sun… that is the sun.”
The three younger ponies were amazed, this was the first time any of them had seen a sunrise so Cynthia spoke again, “I take it all back… This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

              Gem looked into the sunrise as tears rolled down her face then she started to smile, “The last time I saw the sun was the day you proposed to me… I wish we could see it together Star… but It’s not possible anymore. I hope you’re proud of your foals and me…. Because not a day goes by that, they and I don’t think about you… I… I love you Star Bolt… I always have… and… and I always will.”    


              As the crying image of Gem faded into the bubbling brew’s brownish coloring, a tear fell from Star Bolt’s face as he looked at his friend and spoke, “I… I guess we were meant to suffer… I wonder if they would have had a better life in this situation. Thanks again Zecora, I know you didn’t have to show me what would have happened if things were different. But I'm glad you did.”
Zecora nodded her head as she replied, “A different past, it would have been. Though thing would seem better in the end. It would be bad. of this it’s true, the change in Equestria, that day we’d rue.”

              Star Bolt was confused, “What do you mean, Zecora? Are you saying that this change in the past would have a terrible effect today?”    
“Yes, that’s right, it all and its said. With this change in the past, Equestria would be dead.”
Zecora explained, “With the commander in chains, his wife would be gone. So his family name, would not be passed on. With no Rich’s to settle in Ponyville for trade, the town would not flourish… no friendships be made.”

              Star Bolt understood, “So… without Frances Snow or… Rich, and his life as a merchant, Ponyville wouldn’t have flourished and the keepers of the elements wouldn’t have met. So Nightmare Moon would return and bring eternal night with nopony in her way.”
Zecora replied, “You see that your path, though painful in ways, was the best way to live, to bring forth the days.”
Star Bolt lowered his head as he put on his saddlebag, sheathed his sword and threw the hood of his cloak over his head, “Well I guess it was the best thing then… but still. I think a son and daughter would have been nice. I would enjoy raising a family… if I had the chance. By the way, The Reaper she was my mother so could you tell me who my fath?...”
Zecora looked at him in curiosity but Star Bolt finally sighed and replied, “Never mind… I'm sure it doesn’t matter anymore. Thank you Zecora, once again I owe you more than just my life.”

And so it ends. im sorry if it seemed too sudden but this was the kind of ending i was expecting. either way im kinda glade this story is over. dont get me wrong i liked it to an extent but since it was an alternat reality story i just couldnt put as much effert into it like i did the last. hope you guys like it and stick arond for The Kings War.

Proofread by :icondaraniel1000:

The Diference
Chapter 1: [link] A Mysterious Beginning
Chapter 2: [link] The Freak and His Friend
Chapter 3: [link] The Clan
Chapter 4: [link] The Storm and Mist
Chapter 5: [link] Unwelcomed Guests
Chapter 6: [link] The Cost of a Cutie Mark
Chapter 7: [link] Allies and Enemies
Chapter 8: [link] The Reaper, The Traitor, and Their Commander
Chapter 9: [link] Personal Actions
Chapter 10: [link] War
Chapter 11: [link] Commander Bolt's Legacy
Chapter 12: [link] The Battle of Canterlot Begins
© 2013 - 2024 Priceless911
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LazyGamer313's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Impact

I read it hours before but I was tired to but a response, overall, it's a decent story. Really showed "The Difference" to when Starbolt had made a request to her friend Zecora in a what-if scenario if he would be with Gem, which more-or-less would have made him highly uninvolved at war, when compared to his normal life. But at least he got a chance knowing that he had children when he was with Gem Stone.

While true I enjoy the story, I had some concerns about the story, such as when Starbolt is raised under a "normal-life", one would imagine that he would be more engaged in the war since his views would have been limited to see the importance of The Sun as how everyone is making a big deal about it. Or how The Cutters had gotten involved, as they could done more damage to deal death to all of the Nightmare Army, which begs the question how Starbolt and his friends stood a chance against them in the Griffon Wars.

Anyhow, it was nice that enough though the story is just a made up scenario that didn't really happened, at least it show some purpose as to having the main character know that it wasn't necessarily him that was the key that ultimately played the part of ending NMM reign, but it was Snow for his descendants had helped the founding of Ponyville which is where the new Bearers of Harmony was formed up.

It was nice too about Starbolt figuring out who her birth-mother was from the first story and see her in action, who may or may not be surprised him with her being involved with The Cutters, who he had previous fought with in the main universe. I imagine that you left the question of who his father is in the air for I can imagine it will be revealed soon enough with your next work. Also I should add that it was good that you explained the background and story behind Dragon Mountain as how it wasn't mention much besides the ending of the main story.

Overall, It may not be the best of works, but I enjoy it for what it is and the purpose behind it. I applaud you for seeing it through and I'll be looking forward to seeing your next story.